With life’s ever-increasing demands, a focus on wellness has become a necessity. More than ever, the importance of restorative sleep, mental well-being, intentional movement, a healthy diet, recovery, and stress management has come to the forefront of our lives. It can be challenging, even overwhelming, for you to know where to spend time as you initiate effective and lasting change.

The five primary wellness domains that we will focus on to shift your behaviors and experiences in order to improve your quality of life and wellness are: Movement, Mental & Emotional Well-being, Nutrition, Recovery & Regeneration, Sleep. Understand how they are intertwined and fundamental to your wellness journey as we cultivate behaviors and habits in one domain that can be learned, strengthened, refined, and repurposed in other areas of you life. These aspects work together to help manage stress, guide health, and find peace with your present situation even while working to better your state.

Visualize Your Wellness

Balance has to do with finding stability between our stressors and our ability to cope. It also has to do with the various dimensions of wellness and ensuring we are seeking equilibrium between them all. Over the next 60 seconds, review each wellness domain while honestly and intuitively identifying where you are at in each one.  No information is collected to take this assessment or see the results. Afterwards, you may share your wellness assessment on social media.

As your Wellness Coach, I am prepared with the latest evidence and best practices from the worlds of health psychology, positive psychology, neuroscience, sleep, brain health, emotional health, movement, and more. I am here to meet you where you are and support you as you make the best choices for your holistic well-being. My role is to guide, support, and motivate you to make lasting lifestyle changes. Through movement (fitness), nutrition, mental & emotional well-being, and recovery & regeneration, I can and will help you achieve positive behavior change with long-term values. Collaborate with me on your Wellness Plan, and soon you’ll have the tools, resources, and strategies to move in the deliberate direction of better, discovering your own best path to:

  • Live a purposeful, intentional life.
  • Be confident in your inner wisdom and expertise in who you are.
  • Cultivate a growth mindset and sense of endless possibility.
  • Realize the power of small wins and upward spirals.

Wellness is a Journey, not a Destination.

The words wellness and health are often used interchangeably, even though they mean different things. Since 1948, the World Health Organization has defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellness and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The word complete makes this definition of health a bit utopian. This definition also notes the presence of physical, mental, and social components, not just physical.

Physical and mental wellness is the degree to which one feels positive and enthusiastic about oneself and life. It is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence. Someone can even have health problems, but as long as they are in a good place emotionally, socially, and cognitively, they can still experience wellness. This allows us to frame wellness as a means of working toward ongoing self-improvement rather than thinking of wellness as an endpoint. These changes are often not easy, making this journey an emotional one that you don’t have to go on alone.

Use my Contact page to set up a free consultation via text or phone, per your preference. You may also message me directly with WhatsApp widget posted at the bottom of this page. During business hours, I check my messages often and you can typically expect a response within 2 hours during those times.

After your consultation, we will set up an in-person meeting to embark on your Wellness Journey.